GC Aroma Fine Plus Alginate Impression Material Fast Set

Brand Name

: GC Asia


: PMH202306182-202200023-N/A

Product Code

: PMH202306182


GC Aroma Fine Plus Alginate Impression Material AROMA FINE PLUS NORMAL SET, 500g AROMA FINE PLUS FAST SET, 500g Advantages buttet pointAdvanced formulation buttet pointEasy and rapid powder incorporation into water within just 3 seconds buttet pointDust free formulation allowing fast and vigorous mixing for a smooth mixture without bubbles buttet pointIdeal thixotropic property buttet pointDoes not leak down the patient's throat during impression taking buttet pointUnder pressure the alginate flows into the narrowest spaces for highest detail reproduction buttet pointLaboratory optimized buttet pointCompatible with a wide range of type IV stones for a better detail reproduction buttet pointSmooth model surface buttet pointSpearmint flavour for patient comfort buttet pointAvailable in 2 setting types: Fast and Normal set buttet pointRegular Set (pink) 120 sec buttet pointFast Set (green) 90 sec

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